Empower Your Education
Core Curriculum Classes from the Comfort of Your Home
A collaborative alliance of 21
SACSCOC accredited colleges!
Spinning text - Board of regents of the university system Board of regents of the university system half circle graphic female student holding laptop and coffee

What is eCore?

eCore is a cooperative arrangement among SACSCOC-accredited institutions of the University System of Georgia (USG) to offer online general education courses. eCore courses are taught by instructors from USG institutions and are transferable within the USG, as well as to most regionally-accredited schools. Whether you are a working adult who wants to get back in school or a traditional college student who needs the flexibility of an online class–the public universities and colleges of the University System of Georgia are well within your reach through eCore.

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eCore Courses

Participating USG institutions offer eCore courses in a variety of subjects such as the humanities, physical and social sciences, mathematics, languages, and other areas considered fundamental forany four-year degree.

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