Future Students


Online learning allows students the flexibility of continuing their educational journey from anywhere in the world. eCore classes are an excellent option for students who are studying abroad for the semester, military members and families who are stationed overseas, or even those who want to take classes while traveling for pleasure.

While eCore classes can be accessed from anywhere with a reliable internet connection, there are some considerations to be taken into account for students who plan to complete their coursework while outside of the U.S. These considerations should include evaluating the reliability of internet access and the ability to obtain, access, and complete any extraneous course materials and/or requirements, such as lab science kits or proctored exam requirements.

Illustration of landmarks from would the world
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Accessing GoVIEW Internationally

To access GoVIEW, the Learning Management System in which eCore courses are delivered, students must have a reliable internet connection. This may be a challenge in some areas of the world due to various issues, such as local networks, outages, firewalls, or restrictive local internet policies. Students are encouraged to research the internet accessibility situation in the area in which they are traveling prior to registering for an eCore course. To be successful in an eCore course, students must be able to access the course almost daily and complete all assignments on time. It is the student’s responsibility to calculate due dates and time requirements based on their local time zone.

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Lab Science Courses

Lab science courses require the purchase of a corresponding lab kit. While vendors are able to ship overseas, some kits may require materials that cannot be shipped internationally. Additional postage costs may also be required for international shipping of lab kits. Students should review the following information prior to registering for a lab science eCore course while located outside of the United States.

Biology (BIOL 1011K)

Biology kits can be shipped overseas. International shipping costs vary by location.

Chemistry (CHEM 1211K and CHEM 1212K)

Some chemicals contained in the Chemistry lab kit cannot be shipped overseas. A modified kit can be shipped if the student can find the remaining materials in their location. International shipping costs vary by location.


Geology kits can be shipped overseas. International shipping costs vary by location.

*Students may contact esuccess@ecampus.usg.edu to inquire about shipping estimates by specific location.

Proctored Exams

Most eCore course requires at least one (but no more than two) proctored exam. Below are frequently asked questions regarding options for taking a proctored exam while outside of the United States.

  • Virtual Proctoring: There are multiple approved options available for virtual proctoring via a personal computer. Directions on how to register for a virtual proctoring session, as well as specific hardware, software, and internet requirements, are listed on the Proctored Exam page of the eCore website.
  • Local College or University: Schedule the proctored exam with an on-ground (local) institution. The student will be responsible for finding and contacting a local institution about the proctored exam and communicating this information to the USG eCampus testing department at etesting@ecampus.usg.edu. eCampus testing staff will then work with the local institution to arrange for the exam. Note that an English-speaking contact is required for all face-to-face exam proctoring.
  • Study Abroad Faculty: If traveling as part of a study abroad program with their home institution, students may make arrangements to be proctored by a faculty member/chaperone of the group. The student will need to make initial arrangements with the instructor of the eCore course. Home institution policies that restrict the faculty member's ability to proctor an exam may also be a factor in these cases.
  • Military Members: Active duty military may use their local Educational Resource Officer (ERO) as an exam proctor. Students are responsible for contacting the ERO about the exam and communicating this information to the USG eCampus Testing Department at etesting@ecampus.usg.edu. eCampus testing staff will then work with the ERO to arrange for the exam.
  • Exam Extension: If the student plans to return to the U.S. within the semester, an exam extension may be given so that it may be proctored upon return. Students must obtain prior approval for an exam extension from the instructor of their eCore course.

Payment for online proctored exams is required at the time that the appointment is scheduled. All transactions through the provided eCore testing vendors will be in US Dollars. If possible, it is best to schedule and pay for online exam appointments while still in the United States.

When scheduling a virtual proctored exam, students should do so using the timezone in which they will be located when they plan to take the exam.

We understand that military students may be out of contact or at a location that cannot be disclosed. This will require extra coordination with the ERO. Military students are encouraged to keep the instructor of their eCore course apprised of their current status.

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