Current Students

Student Guide

Instructional Support

This section will provide information on the following:

Library Resources


The extensive resources of GALILEO are available to all students taking eCore classes. GALILEO stands for Georgia Library Learning Online. As a world wide web-based virtual library, it provides access to multiple information resources, including secured access to licensed products. Students have access to over 100 databases indexing thousands of periodicals and scholarly journals. Over 2000 journal titles are provided in full-text. Other resources include encyclopedias, business directories, and government publications.

eCampus Library Resources

Access to the eCampus Library and Writing Center course is available to all students enrolled in eMajor courses. Students may access the eCampus Library and Writing Center course by selecting the course from the drop down menu on their GoVIEW homepage. This course gives students online access to an eCampus Librarian who can assist with the following:

  • Research: They will help you find the best databases to use for your topic, set up a search strategy and walk you through it, and help locate materials.
  • Finding Appropriate Materials: eCampus Librarians will show you different methods of obtaining the materials, such as academic journals, popular magazine and newspaper articles, streaming videos, images and charts, and eBooks, you need for your classwork.
  • Formatting and Citation Style: Librarians direct you to the information you need to format your paper and various types of citations, both reference and in-text, for whichever style your instructor requires (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.).
  • Finding Study Aids: Depending on the topic, the course, and/or the instructor's requirements, Librarians can find online tools to assist you with studying for your exams.
  • Microsoft Office Programs: Librarians can assist you with using Word, PowerPoint and Excel.
  • Free Online Tutoring

    24/7 Online Tutoring

    Online tutoring in a variety of subjects is available 24/7 for all students taking eCore courses. To use this free service, click on Free Tutoring on the navigation bar in your course and select You can connect with a tutor now, schedule a tutoring session, and submit a paper for review within 12 hours.

    eCampus STEM Tutoring

    Connect with a STEM Tutor for math and science help during live chat hours, or post your question to your course's discussion board. For a response within 1 business day, please email

    eCampus English Tutoring

    Connecting with an English tutor for writing help such as topic development, sentence structure, grammar, citation checks, paper formatting, and more! During online office hours, connect with an English tutor via chat or BlackBoard Collaborate. During offline hours, post your question to the discussion board or submit your paper for review in the English Writing Tutor Paper Drop-Off assignment folder or email

    Special Requirements

    Certain eCore courses have specific requirements. Therefore, it is important to know about these requirements before signing up for the course. These requirements are listed below as well as in the syllabus for each particular course.

    The math and chemistry courses require a TI-83, TI-83+, TI-84 or TI-84+ calculator. Please check the syllabus of the specific course for details on the recommended calculator in your subject area.

    • CHEM 1211K - Principles of Chemistry I
    • CHEM 1212K – Principles of Chemistry II
    • MATH 1101 - Introduction to Mathematical Modeling
    • MATH 1111 - College Algebra
    • MATH 1113 - Precalculus
    • MATH 1401 - Introduction to Statistics
    • MATH 1501 - Calculus I

    The Calculus I (MATH 1501) course requires that students submit their worked examples (handwritten or produced in Word) for the four major Online Exams.

    COMM 1100, ENGL 1101, ENGL 1102, ENGL 2111, ETEC 1101, PSYC 1101, MUSC 1100, ARTS 1100, HIST 2112, SPAN 2001, and SPAN 2002. These courses require that students create audio/video recordings and/or slide presentations in some assignments.

    For that reason, students are required to have access to the following:

    • A webcam, microphone and speakers, or a computer with a webcam, microphone, and speakers preinstalled
    • Document software such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs, and slide software such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides, files of which can be saved and submitted as a PDF

    The science courses require lab kits and equipment. Please check the syllabus of the specific course for details and costs.

    • BIOL 1011K - Introduction to Biology
    • BIOL 1012K - Introduction to Biology II
    • CHEM 1211K - Principles of Chemistry I
    • CHEM 1212K - Principles of Chemistry II
    • GEOL 1121K - Introductory Geosciences I
    • PHYS 2211K - Principles of Physics I
    • PHYS 2212K - Principles of Physics II

    Instructional Support FAQs

    Please refer to the What is My GoVIEW Login page on the eCore website for more information concerning your eCore username and password.

    If you have logged in before, changed your password, and have forgotten that password:

    You may change your own password by clicking the forgot your password link on the GoVIEW login page. If you choose to reset your password, you will need to wait 5-10 minutes for the change to be processed OR refresh your browser window. If you still cannot access GoVIEW, please contact the eCore Helpdesk at 678-839-5300, 1-855-93ECORE or

    Visit the What is My GoVIEW Login page on the eCore website for more information on logging into your course or contact the eCore Helpdesk at 678-839-5300 or to have the welcome email sent again.

    eCore courses utilize open educational resources. Information on accessing these free materials is available within the course.

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