Current Students

Student Guide

Academic Services

This section will outline some of the academic services available to students enrolled in eCore classes. Information will be provided on the following topics:

eCore Liaisons

Each institution offering eCore courses has a specified representative on campus. These representatives can help students through the admissions and enrollment process, connect the student with their academic advisor, and answer questions about eCore policies and procedures.

To contact an eCore Liaison, please visit the Institutions page on the eCore website and select the appropriate affiliate.

Student Success Team

Students enrolled in eCore courses may be contacted by members of the eCampus Student Success Team (SST) throughout the semester. The Student Success Team works alongside the eCore liaisons and the instructors to provide resources and guidance to students to help ensure success in the program. Throughout the semester, SST members will communicate with students through email and telephone, providing timely reminders throughout the semester and tips for success. At the beginning of the semester, instructors will request students to provide a telephone number so that the Student Success Team can follow up for assistance if needed.

Student Accessibility Services

If a student has an accessibility issue, or suspects that he/she has an accessibility issue and would like to be considered for accommodations, there are several options. Each USG institution has an Accessibility Services Office, and the campus eCore Liaison can provide information regarding the office on each home campus. Visit the eCore Affiliate Institutions page to access the accessibility office at your school. Students should contact the accessibility services coordinator at their home institution to discuss the documentation and process required for special accommodations.

In all cases, students will be asked to qualify for special accommodations by providing documentation that they have gone through an evaluation process at an approved University System of Georgia or private agency evaluation site.

It is the student's responsibility to make arrangements with their current institution's campus accessibility services office at the beginning of the semester if they will require accommodations for the current semester. Students should provide the accommodation documentation issued by the institution to their instructors AND to the USG eCampus Testing team at prior to the time the student will need accommodations.

Students taking eCore courses through University System of Georgia institutions should contact the accessibility service provider at the institution to which they pay their tuition. The service provider will walk the student through accessing CIDI services.

All open texts utilized in eCore courses are available in accessible format in the Affordable Learning Georgia repository.

Students can be trained by the accessibility service provider or can call the CIDI Toll-Free Technical Support Help Line at 866.418.2750. Students can check the CIDI website for upcoming trainings in their area. There is also a student resources site that can be accessed or downloaded through the CIDI website.

When instructors are provided with official documentation of needed accommodations by either the student or the campus accessibility office, the instructor should provide all applicable accommodations to

Proctored Exams

eCore courses contain at least one proctored assessment experience or one major project of significance that includes a recorded video presentation for additional verification of student identity. Laboratory science courses and most math courses include one or more proctored assessment experiences. Completion of the proctored assessment experience or major project is required. In courses requiring only one proctored assessment experience or one major project, failure to fulfill this requirement will result in a failing grade for the course regardless of the average of other grades. In eCore courses requiring two proctored assessment experiences, failure to complete at least one proctored assessment experience will result in a failing grade for the course regardless of the average of other grades.

Students may utilize their home instituion's testing center, other USG eCampus approved testing centers (such as certain pre-approved testing centers at private universities and technical colleges), or the online proctoring service ProctorU. Special arrangements may also be available for high school, military, and out of state students. Students are responsible for reviewing the course syllabus during the beginning of the semester well in advance of the midterm and/or final to confirm when exams are scheduled and to then decide where to take the exam.

Students also have the option to schedule proctored exams with an online proctoring service called ProctorU. In this testing modality, the student must meet the required computer and internet connection requirements, and the student will be recorded during the full duration of connection with the service. It is the student's responsibility to end the recording by closing the browser tab and clicking on the red X of the chatbox. If the student does not close out the recording, they will continue to be monitored by the screen and webcam recordings.

Students are also responsible for understanding the conditions and policies under which the exam will be proctored and administered. This includes a requirement to present a photo ID as part of the proctored exam procedure. Additionally, exam procedures prohibit password sharing and unauthorized aids or electronic devices during the exam. Test proctors will report any academic honesty issues to the professor. Students should adhere to their institution's code of conduct while taking a proctored exam.

Test proctor costs average about $23 per exam appointment ($15-35 per test depending on the location/service used).


Students register for an eCore course through their home institution's Banner system. Each affiliate institution has its own registration schedule. Students should check their institutional calendars for the allotted time of registration or consult with eCore liaisons for more information. Please keep in mind, however, that eCore follows a calendar that may be different than the institution’s regular calendar. Please consult the eCore Calendar.

After registering for an eCore course, the student will receive a 'Welcome! eCore Classes Start XXXX' email approximately two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester. The email will contain information on how to log in and get started in the eCore course.

Please Note: USG eCampus and respective institutions will use the student's campus email address to send important academic notices during the semester. It is important that students check their campus email often throughout the semester.

Tuition and Fees Information

Tuition for eCore courses is $159 per credit hour. Materials required for courses are not included in tuition rates. Students who register for traditional classroom courses or other distance education courses offered at affiliate institutions will be billed for all of the courses, in addition to any mandatory fees.

Any financial aid is reflected on the student's bill. Those taking classes from more than one institution will receive separate billing notices from each institution.

Dropping, Adding, or Withdrawing From a Course

Students can add eCore courses through an affiliate institution’s Banner System during the first three (3) days of class each semester. Students may drop classes during the first five (5) days of class. Please note that the eCore calendar may differ from the regular institutional calendar. Classes may begin earlier or later, and drop/add dates may also be different. Consult the eCore Calendar for information.

Drop for Non-Payment

Some eCore affiliate institutions may drop students for non-payment if fees are not paid by the deadline.

Drop/Withdrawal for Non-Attendance

It is critical for students to be active in each eCore course within the first week of class, ideally on the first day of class.

All students must log in to their eCore course(s) during the first five (5) calendar days of the semester and complete the Mandatory Attendance activities as outlined by the instructor in the course syllabus; if not, students may be reported as absent and administratively dropped or withdrawn.

NOTE: Although students may be dropped from courses for non-participation, students who wish to drop/withdraw should not count on being dropped/withdrawn by their instructor or their institution. It is the student's responsibility to drop/withdraw from courses if that is their intention.


If, for some reason, a student cannot participate in class activities, he or she should contact the instructor immediately. Failure to respond to the initial faculty communication within a week or to complete course activities within the first week will result in a student being reported for non-attendance. Failure to participate without officially withdrawing from the course will result in a grade of "F". A student may officially withdraw up to the midpoint of the semester without academic penalty.

Withdrawal Procedure

A student may withdraw from an eCore course with a grade of "W" if the withdrawal is completed by the official midpoint of the semester. The midpoint, or last day to withdraw and receive a grade of "W," is listed in each course schedule and/or syllabus as well as the eCore Academic Calendar. Students who wish to withdraw should do so according to their home institution's withdrawal procedure.

Financial Aid

Regardless of whether a student is taking eCore courses as a transient student, a transfer student, or as a new student, he or she may use financial aid to pay for eCore courses just like he or she would with traditional campus classes. Financial aid information is available at the students' home institutions. Students should contact their home institution for assistance with determining aid eligibility, application procedures, and additional information.

Transient students must make financial aid arrangements through their home institutions.

Academic Services FAQs

Withdrawal occurs after drop/add. Students should withdraw from their eCore course(s) according to their institution's withdrawal procedures.

Students should contact the eCore Liaison at their home institution to discuss their options when considering a withdrawal after the midpoint.

Students should contact their campus Bursar's Office/Financial Services.

Students should contact their campus Bursar's Office/Financial Services.

Check your syllabus or with your instructor at the beginning of the term to determine if a proctored exam is required. If a proctored exam is required, pay close attention to the scheduled exam dates and instructions for registering for the proctored exam.

If you have questions, please contact eCampus Testing at 678-839-4900 or email us at


  • Monday - Friday
    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

During Official Testing Windows:

  • Monday - Friday
    8:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • Saturday - Sunday
    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

After hours, please leave a message.

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